Paul E. Viera

CEO and Partner

Mr. Viera is the founder of EARNEST Partners, an investment firm responsible for overseeing over $20 billion for municipalities, states, corporations, endowments, eleemosynary groups, and universities. He developed Return Pattern Recognition®, the investment methodology used to screen equities at EARNEST Partners. He has a BA in economics from the University of Michigan, an MBA from the Harvard Business School, and has over 25 years of investment experience. Mr. Viera was a Vice President at Bankers Trust in both New York and London. He later joined Invesco, where he became a Global Partner and senior member of its Investment Team. Mr. Viera is a Trustee of the Woodruff Arts Center and a member of its investment committee, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a member of the Atlanta Society of Financial Analysts. He is also a commentator for several news organizations, including, among others, CNBC and Bloomberg News.

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